Localized Certification & Testing Programs Drive Revenue
Localized Certification Programs
There are nearly two million US-based professional associations and non-profit organizations. The vast majority of professional associations offer some type of certification for their industry or specialty. Now more than ever, professional organizations, industry associations, and educational institutions need to think global to maintain vibrancy and sustain growth. In this article, we will help you learn how to grow your association and membership through certification programs.
There are four primary streams of revenue for most associations:
- Membership Fees
- Sponsored Events
- Certifications & Educational Programs (Prep Content + Test Banks)
- Sale of Goods & Services
Most US-based associations have focused on obtaining or retaining members in the United States. But, many are discovering a global audience that understands that certifications and educational programs can improve their status, increase credibility, and help them grow professionally. So, associations can quickly grow by making their certification and testing programs available to a multi-lingual global audience! So, if your association needs help, the folks at Global eLearning are her
e to show you what you need to know.
The first step in expanding your programs to a global workforce is to localize the content. What does that mean? Adapting your content to a specific locale or market in a way that allows them to fully understand and experience the content, as intended. It’s so much more than translation. You can read more about localization here. There are several ways to create revenue:
- Certification tests, localized into native languages, can be administered globally with cloud-based platforms that are very secure and reliable in collecting money.
- Selling test preparation curriculum also localized into the language of target audiences.
- Hosting international events where world-class subject matter experts can speak and become a draw for a global audience.
Global eLearning utilizes best practices to perform test bank localization with the utmost security and protection of an organization’s intellectual property. These security protocols and processes help to protect the integrity of the certification:
- Ensuring that test bank questions and answers are concise and differences between answers are captured accurately
- That data security protocols help protect the intellectual property of the client
- Managing source files (e.g., QTI) that are standard to the test development industry
- Separation of translation teams between those who localize test questions and those who localize test preparation manuals.
- Native-speaking Focus Group review of translated questions and answers to assure the accuracy
Global eLearning also hosts a secure online platform that brings 25 years of technical development and a robust combination of features for users. The platform is unique in its redundancy and reliability. Find out more about Global eLearning’s test and certification delivery system.
If you are considering expanding your certification and testing programs to reach a global audience and drive revenue, you need to consult the experts at Global eLearning today for a free consultation!