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Attention spans are growing shorter, and calendars are getting fuller in today’s technologically advanced world. With unfathomable amounts of resources sitting at our fingertips, the need for instant gratification has increased dramatically. In this article, we examine the benefits of micro-eLearning and how to make it even more effective. Global eLearning dives into this topic and provides you 5 ways to make micro-eLearning more effective.

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Micro-eLearning is the dissemination of information in bite-sized pieces. Much like eating, this provides the user the ability to view, absorb, and digest information in the way and at a pace that suits their personal needs. This type of training or education allows users to digest the information quickly and retain it longer. From an organization’s perspective, micro-eLearning is typically fast and affordable. And, more importantly, micro-eLearning can be created, disseminated, and updated relatively quickly.

    1. Bite-Sized Pieces. Most micro-eLearning contains nuggets of information. They have specific and clear learning objectives to educate or inform the learner. For example, if you are teaching someone to drive a boat, the micro-eLearning modules you may include are:
  • Boarding the Boat
  • Safety Procedures Before You Begin
  • Starting the Boat
  • Untying the Boat
  • Navigating the Channels

These courses would contain short messages and relevant details provided in an engaging format.

2. Most micro-eLearning courses are short. Typically, five to seven minutes is ideal. So, be precise and to the point. Be sure you deliver the must-learn content and provide links to the peripheral or as-needed content.
3. Use Stories and Examples. Learners will relate and retain the content better when stories or examples are used to motivate them. Again, keeping the stories short, simple, and relevant is key. (Caution: For Global audiences please make sure the story/example is relevant in all the locations the material will be used.)
4. Use a variety of multi-media to engage learners. Videos, infographics, and audio can help engage the learner and supplements knowledge retention. In addition, consider making the training available in multiple languages as people are more likely to comply when viewing content in their native tongue.
5. Make Them Want More. Since micro-eLearning is focused and centered around one aspect of any given topic, make sure to develop the content or storyboard so that there is a natural progression to the next module. Tease the learner with the information they can find by continuing their learning process.

Micro-eLearning is the way that many of today’s organizations are distributing information to their sales teams, satellite offices, production facilities, and their growing global audience. These audiences not only prefer this method of learning, but they are eager to digest the content disseminated and motivated by it! Contact the experts at Global eLearning today for advice on how to get your micro-eLearning content ready for a global audience!

Matt Patterson

Matt Patterson